I Was Sexually Harassed by My Boss; is the Company Also Held Responsible?

Sexual harassment in any capacity is a complex issue, but when your boss sexually harasses you, it’s complicated even more by your employment. Worrying about job security, professional ramifications, and personal damages is difficult enough without also wondering whom to hold responsible.


If your boss has sexually harassed you, the first step is to look for your company’s policy on such situations and follow the steps. You may feel the urge to do something brash, such as quit your job. Instead, follow the appropriate steps and protect yourself and your future. Report the harassment to the designated person and put the complaint in writing. Include inappropriate jokes, sexual innuendos, and any other forms of sexual abuse and harassment.

An investigation will most likely ensue. If it doesn’t, continue to file a complaint with different people in the company until someone investigates. The company may not fire your boss, but someone of authority should at least look at the issue more closely. You should hire a Philadelphia sexual abuse and harassment attorney if you feel your place of employment isn’t taking your claim seriously or is ignoring your rights.


When a boss or supervisor sexually harasses another employee in the company, the employer is always legally responsible. Even if you didn’t complain about the harassment, the company has to take legal responsibility for the event. A company acts through its supervisors and trusts those appointed to positions of power to act responsibly. When a supervisor fails in this responsibility, it’s as if the employer has failed.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for investigating sexual harassment in the workplace and other charges relating to sex-related discrimination at work. If sexual harassment by a boss results in firing, demotion, or other tangible employment action, the employer is responsible.

The Supreme Court recognizes that since a company acts through its supervisors, any tangible employment action because of sexual harassment is a company’s liability. Under this law, you may be able to sue the entire company if your boss has sexually assaulted you.


As a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace, you’re eligible to recover remedies such as being paid back or front pay, job reinstatement, compensatory and punitive damages, promotion, and more. If you win your case, you’ll also receive compensation for your court costs, witness fees, and attorney fees.

Most of all, you’ll recover your workplace confidence and peace of mind in the knowledge that the courts have put your aggressor to justice. Supervisors who take advantage of their positions of power to sexually harass or abuse employees should not go unreported. Take a stand against workplace sexual harassment by taking your boss and company to court, and receive the compensation you deserve.


Your HR department is loyal to your employer. While you should follow your workplace’s sexual harassment policy, it’s always wise to consult a lawyer for expert advice. Your HR department may not do everything in its power to protect you or your rights, but a personal injury lawyer will.

Once you have a lawyer, he or she will guide you through the steps of filing a claim. Most sexual harassment cases are settled without needing to go to court, but since each case is different, you need to work with a lawyer prepared for anything.

If you need an experienced sexual abuse and harassment lawyer in Philadelphia, contact Hill & Associates for trustworthy, reliable legal representation. We take sexual harassment very seriously and know how to defend your rights against your employer in court. Call (215) 567-7600 or contact us online to get in touch with someone who can help you today.
